Returns a string that represents the node name in the UTF8 format.
The returned values for different types of nodes are:
ELEMENT_NODE | The element tag name. For DOM trees which represent HTML documents, the returned value is always capitalized. The tag names of elements in an XML DOM tree are returned in the same case in which they're written in the original XML file. | |
ATTRIBUTE_NODE | The attribute name | |
TEXT_NODE | "#text" | |
C_DATA_SECTION_NODE | "#cdata-section" | |
The entity name | ||
PROCESSING_INSTRUCTIONS_NODE | The value of the target attribute | |
COMMENT_NODE | "#comment" | |
DOCUMENT_NODE | "#document" | |
DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE | The document type name, for example "html" for <!DOCTYPE HTML> | |
DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE | "#document-fragment" |
when this node is closed